Key data on education in Europe 2012

Giulia Paolini, Isabelle de Coster, Sogol Norani, Stanislav Ranguelov

Key Data on Education in Europe 2012 is a Eurydice flagship publication tracing the main developments of European education systems over the last decade. The report combines statistical data with qualitative information to describe the organisation, management and functioning of 37 European education systems from pre-primary to higher education. More specifically, the 95 indicators included in the report address the following topics: Demographic Context, Educational Structures, Participation, Resources, Teachers and Management staff, Educational Processes and Qualification Levels and Transition to Employment. In comparison to the previous edition, Key data on Education 2012 has been improved through the inclusion of longer time series, making it easier to identify specific developments affecting aspects of education systems and to analyse the present situation in regard to the past. Key Data on Education 2012 is a joint publication with Eurostat and based on data collected through the National Units of the Eurydice Network, Eurostat, and the PISA 2009 international survey.


Ranguelov, S., Coster, I. De, Norani, S. & Paolini, G. (2012). Key data on education in Europe 2012. Bruxelles. Eurydice; Eurostat; Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

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