Youth in Europe

A statistical portrait

This publication attempts to draw a portrait of young people living in Europe. ‚Youth in Europe‘ is based on data available at EU level, using mainly a broad selection of harmonised data sources available at Eurostat. The reader will find statistical information on a wide range of topics relating to youth in Europe, including demographic aspects (ageing of the population, founding a family), health and living conditions, education and starting out in working life, and participation in cultural and social activities.
The data presented in ‚Youth in Europe‘ show that the situation of young people diff ers considerably from one country to another, which can be explained by a range of cultural, social and economic factors. This publication aims to encourage further interest and research into the fascinating world of young people in order to better understand the Europe of today and of tomorrow.


European Commission & Eurostat. (2009). Youth in Europe: A statistical portrait (Eurostat statistical books). Luxembourg.

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